Incident Manager


The Incident Manager is responsible for the smooth functioning of the incident process, taking on escalated and exceptional infrastructure-related incidents, managing the reporting of these incidents and proposing structural improvements, when necessary.

The objective of the incident process is to ensure resolution of the IT incident within the best achievable time-frame, with the best possible quality and with the constant aim of limiting the impact to the business, as far as is possible.

The squad also takes care of the monitoring of escalated incidents in the non-production environment, although this does have a lower priority than production.

You will be responsible, together with your colleagues, for:

  • The End-to-End (E2E) monitoring of an incident, up to and including its resolution, collaborating with all the incident process stakeholders, the technical domains of IT, the developers, the E2E incident managers and all the other company entities.
  • The acceptance and activation of an escalation (in line with pre-set “escalation levels”, based on the incident impact and the urgency of the incident).
  • The coordination of escalated incidents, the activation and coordination of a crisis meeting, and the monitoring of the incident-related actions in order to restore service as soon as possible.
  • Ensuring communication within the IT organization and to the internal customers with respect to the status of an incident, and according to a communication matrix which is formulated within the incident process.
  • Creating a post-incident report for high-impact incidents: this includes a description of the incident, the impact, the actions undertaken and the lessons that the manager has been able to draw from the incident.
  • Creating “Problem Candidates” with the objective of: completing root-cause analysis, a description of possible structural solutions and the implementation of these solutions; thereby potentially avoiding repeated incidents.
  • Contribute to the creation of weekly/monthly reports of all these incidents as they relate to infrastructure or IT applications, trend analyses and “lessons learned”

language requirements

  • Dutch: Basic knowledge, orally (optional)
  • French: Good knowledge, both orally and in writing
  • English: Good knowledge, both orally and in writing


ITIL certified


Expectation: 50% on site & 50% homeworking.

technical experience

You have good technology and multi-platform knowledge that enables you to understand the dependencies involved within a specific IT architecture.

business experience

Experience as an IMOD in a banking environment is an added value.

soft skills

  • You are eager to learn about new technologies.
  • You are dynamic, accurate, proactive, work independently, and you are above all a very good team player.
  • You are undoubtedly customer and results-oriented, and you get fulfillment in your job through restoring services while limiting impact to business.
  • You have the skills to organize, define priorities, formulate action plans and to follow them through efficiently.
  • You can manage a meeting in front of a large audience.
  • You know how to turn stress into positive energy.
  • De operationele werkleiding superviseren (coördinatie, communicatie, ...)
  • Het globale budget van de organisatie, de dienst of het project beheren (investering, bestemming, verdeling, ...)
  • De technologische evolutie van de informatie- en telecomsystemen opvolgen
    Technische oplossingen voorstellen
  • Opvolgen van de functionele en technische architectuurstudies van de informatiesystemen
  • De ICT strategie opstellen op basis van door de directie bepaalde uitgangspunten en de behoeften van de gebruikers
    Toezicht houden op de uitvoeringsmodaliteiten
  • De realisatie van projecten superviseren en coördineren
  • De strategie en de oriëntatie van de informatie- en telecomsystemen van een organisatie bepalen (evolutie, organisatie, ...)
  • De kwaliteits- en beveiligingsprocedures van de informatie- en telecomsystemen bepalen en de toepassing ervan controleren
  • Risicobeheer van de informatiesystemen bepalen en uitvoeren (beveiliging, vertrouwelijkheid, integriteit, betrouwbaarheid, ...)
  • Behoeften van de onderneming of gebruikers op het vlak van organisatie en informatie- en telecomsystemen analyseren en bepalen
  • De technische, economische, … informatie en de reglementering opvolgen en actualiseren
  • Een dienst of een organisatie leiden
  • De uitvoeringswijze kiezen (intern of in onderaanneming)
    De conformiteit van de uitvoering controleren


  • A personalised salary package: we know everyone has different needs, so you have the chance to supplement your salary with benefits you need most today. A car, extra holidays, a leased bike,... the choice is yours thanks to our Flex Income Plan!
  • Personal support: we believe in the power of human contacts, so we assign you a dedicated talent manager who is always behind you. Whether you need support with challenging projects or just a listening ear, your talent manager is there for you.
  • Career planning and professional development: our learning and development team is here to help you create your dream career. Think of them as your fairy godparents - but with less bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.
  • Team events: we assume a ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality. From an after-work drink to a quiz night, we make you feel part of the family (even if you're the weird cousin who knows too much about Java).
  • We care, we grow, we recognise: we invest in these 3 pillars to build a sustainable career for you. We have plenty of initiatives to help you stay healthy and happy, so that you can take on any challenge that comes your way and also feel valued.
  • Challenging projects and an entrepreneurial culture: get ready to work your muscles on our impressive projects. It's like the Olympics, but without the lycra.


Lien Wilssens

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