Functional Analyst


Who are we ?

Collaboration Betters The World - Strategy & Governance, is a global tech and business partner that delivers end-to-end solutions. We are positive thinkers who believe that collaboration betters our world!

What will you do ?

As a Functional Analyst , you link the business and IT together to ensure the development of the best solutions answering the business needs .

You will have the opportunity to work with a variety of clients and sectors and on a daily basis you will:

  • Analyze , challenge and model business needs
  • Break business needs into user stories
  • Work closely with the business to ensure technical feasibility before developments
  • Create business process and functional documentation and workflows using diagrams
  • Define and write the detailed functional specifications for the developers, taking into account the technical possibilities and restrictions
  • Be the reference for technical questions from developers
  • D ocument the scripts and workflows

The technical environments available with our customers are: Jira, Confluence, Visio, UML, BPMN, Enterprise Architect , and more!

Jouw profiel

Who are you ?

As a Positive Thinker you...

  • Speak Dutch or French and have a good knowledge of English .
  • Have at least 3 years of experience as a Functional/Technical Analyst.
  • Will be an outstanding candidate if you share our values: Positive Thinking, Collaboration, Evolution & Commitment.
  • Hold a degree in computer science, but above all we are looking for a passionate person who can present a project that he/she is proud of
  • De technische, economische, … informatie en de reglementering opvolgen en actualiseren
  • Meewerken aan de testfase en oplevering van ontwikkelde toepassingen
    Documentatie opstellen
  • De realisatie van projecten superviseren en coördineren
  • Een integratieproject (implementering) of ontwikkelingsproject van hardware- of softwareoplossingen leiden of begeleiden
  • Indicatoren uitwerken en opvolgen
    Controleren of de normen en standaarden door de informaticateams toegepast worden (analyses, exploitatie, productie, ...)
  • De aan nieuwe technologieën verbonden risico's identificeren en beheersen
    Veranderingen aanbevelen
  • Informaticateams informeren of opleiden over de technische aspecten (werking, beveiliging, risico's, ...) of het gebruik van nieuwe informatica- en telecommiddelen
  • Functionele behoeften van de onderneming of de klant analyseren
    De technische eigenschappen van het product bepalen volgens het lastenboek
  • Domein: Informaticanetwerken
  • Controleren of het risicobeheer van de informatiesystemen van de onderneming toegepast wordt (beveiliging, vertrouwelijkheid, betrouwbaarheid, ...)
  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
  • Technische documenten formaliseren en opstellen (lastenboek, technische specificaties, ...)
  • Normen, standaarden, methodes, tools en procedures voor betrouwbaarheid, onderzoek of informaticaproductie bepalen en toepassen (kwaliteit, beveiliging, ...)


What are we offering you ?

  • Personal follow-up during your career at CBTW
  • Catalogue with a wide variety of trainings for hard- and soft skills, private language classes, unlimited access to an E-learning platform (Udemy, O'reilly,…) and possibility to get certified every year
  • Opportunity to join the analyst community and participate in knowledge sharing sessions, events, workshops, etc.
  • Join one of the passion communities and practice your hobby or share your interests with other positive thinkers
  • International collaboration, possibility to work worldwide
  • Competitive salary with a flexible mobility package (variety of choice, including: Electricalcars, electrical bikes, payment of rent/mortgage...)
  • You will become part of a growing team of people keen on applying the latest technologies and knowledge. You will be able to work in a dynamic, innovating environment with the proper touch of geekiness and yearning for board games.


Emilie Hankar
0473 66 20 09