Office Manager (Student worker


We are looking for a student worker to take care of the Office Management during the summer vacation (from ⚠ until ⚠/⚠/⚠) .

The job involves welcoming visitors, handling the incoming phone calls and incoming and outgoing mails. Additionally, you will be - amongst others - responsible for the practical organization of meetings, assisting with JRS Services and booking travels. Performing administrative tasks for HR and/or Finance is also part of this role. You will work in close collaboration with the HR and Finance department.

Your place of work will be in our offices in La Hulpe (daily presence is required from ⚠:⚠ to ⚠:⚠). We provide one training day on July ⚠th.

Jouw profiel

As Office Manager, you are the face and voice of the company, so a professional appearance and friendly attitude are essential. You have been following higher studies for min. ⚠ - ⚠ years (bachelor or master).

In addition, you recognise yourself in the following characteristic:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Precise and well-organized with the ability to prioritize tasks

  • Customer-friendly and professional when receiving visitors and handling phone calls

  • Proactive and able to work independently

  • Ensure discretion and confidentiality when handling confidential information or personal data of customers

  • Knowledge of the Office packages Word and Excel

  • Good knowledge of Dutch and French. Knowledge of English is a plus.

  • Briefwisseling registreren, sorteren, frankeren
  • Personen informeren en doorverwijzen of begeleiden naar de gevraagde gesprekspartner, dienst of plaats
  • Gegevens op computer raadplegen, invoeren of bijwerken (aanmaken van badges, inschrijving in registers, rapporten van telefonische oproepen, ...)
  • Telefonische oproepen aannemen
    Doorverbinden naar de gevraagde gesprekspartners
    Een boodschap noteren
  • Kopiëren, klasseren, intikken, lay-out verzorgen, ... van documenten
  • Personen onthalen en hun vraag identificeren


We offer a market conform package that reflects your skills and experience. This includes a monthly gross salary which is in line with the pay scales for student workers. In addition to your monthly wage, you will also receive meal vouchers and a commuter allowance.


Evlyn Christiaens
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